Orange County

Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous?
A: Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous is an anonymous, Twelve Step, fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope to solve our common problem and help others to recover. The S.L.A.A. recovery program and fellowship are based on the model pioneered by Alcoholics Anonymous.

Q: What is the cost for joining?
A: It's free! There is no cost to join or attend meetings. Our meetings as well as our national and local service organizations are self supporting through our own contributions.

Q: Do I have to be a member to attend?
A: No.  However, some meetings are designated as "closed" which means that only persons with a desire to recover from this addiction may attend.

Q: How do I get started?
A: It is suggested that you start by attending meetings on a regular basis and read S.L.A.A. literature. Please allow us to welcome you at the end of the meeting.

Q: Do I have to speak and get involved, or can I just listen?
A: It is okay to just listen.  You may be asked for your first name so that we may welcome you.  The anonymity of all attendees is respected. 

Q: How do I know if I am a Sex and Love Addict?
A: Only you can ultimately answer that question.  However, there are certain characteristics that we have found to be common amongst us:  "12 Characteristics of Sex and Love Addicts." There is also a "40-Questions for Self Diagnosis" questionaire. Finally, the Fellowship-Wide Services "Newcomers page" has a ton of great information.

Q: Where do I find the 12 steps and other documents often read aloud in meetings?
A: The 8 core documents of SLAA can be found on the Fellowship-Wide Services website: The 8 Core Documents of S.L.A.A.

Q: Is Zoom the preferred platform for online meetings?
A: According to our traditions, S.L.A.A. never endorses any third parties. Some O.C. members chose the Zoom platform as an effective way to have meetings. Groups are free to chose whatever platform best suits them.
This principle also applies to in-person meeting places. Regardless of the gathering place (church, rehab center, park, restaurant, etc.), S.L.A.A. does not endorse and has no opinion on the organization from which we rent space.

For additional Frequently Asked Questions, please visit the Fellowship-Wide Services website.